What is Fall for EdCamp?
Following the EdCamp model, we are encouraging teachers to convene, share, and professionally develop themselves as well as others.
On the morning of October 21st, teachers from all over the upstate SC area will join at Jesse Bobo Elementary from 8:30 -11:30 am for an individualized approach to professional development. From 8:30 to 9:00, we will plan the sessions for the day and the teacher-created sessions will run during the 9:00 - 11:30 time frame.
Nothing is pre-planned, nothing is dictated to the teachers. It's a morning of exploring your interests and developing in the way you see fit to help your students. All teachers really need to tap into the professional development they really want is time, resources, networking, and a space to do that. We have all that and teacher professionals who are eager to discuss with other teachers topics about which they are passionate.
So, register under the "Registration" tab and be asking yourself "What do I want to learn more about?"
This event will be hosted by Jesse S. Bobo Elementary School and is open to all local elementary school teachers. Please be mindful upon registration that the people who plan the sessions at 8:30 that morning need to stay and attend the sessions they've crafted. Coming late or arriving early is discouraged because it decreases your opportunities to participate in professional development you invented for yourself!
Hope to see you here on October 21st!
Where will this event take place?
What to bring?
Bring your iPad, laptop, tablet or
whatever internet-enabled device
you learn best with.
Our session board will be accessable
through a QRCode and website link.
You will want access to this throughout
the morning so you can plan your
You may want to set up a Twitter
account if you don't already have
one, #Fall4Edcamp will be a great
way to connect to other educators you
meet while here!